

MAP testing

What is it?  The Measure of Academic Progress, or MAP, is a computerized adaptive exam that assists teachers, parents, and administrators in improving learning for all children and making educated decisions to support a child's academic deve...

Posted on 09 03 2022 Read more

The Principal of the 91做厙弝け has been awarded FRIENDSHIP medal by the President of Mongolia

The President of Mongolia Mr. Battulga Khaltmaa has awarded The Nairamdal Friendship Medal to Dr. Roger Dutcher, the Principal of 91做厙弝け, by the Presidential Decree No.104. The Nairamdal (Friendship) Medal is the highest ...

Posted on 18 06 2021 Read more

15 policy recommendations for educational reform / 郋郅郋赲郋郅郇 訄郅訇訄郇 邽郇郅郅迡 郋郅訄 15 苤

https://ikon.mn/n/2202 It is well-timed to deliberate the reform of the education sector and amend the Law on Education and relevant policy documents in order to provide quality education for every child, create equal opportunities, and ensure ed...

Posted on 04 06 2021 Read more

School closure

Please note the message from the government regarding the current school closure! 苺郅郇 郋郇迣郋邿 郕郋邾邽郇 邽邿迡赲邽邿郇 迡訄迣 迣郅邽邿郇 玼邿郅 訄迠邽郅郅訄迣訄訄 玼 郱郋迣郋迠 訇訄邿郇訄!

Posted on 11 11 2020 Read more


We formally invite you to join us in the belated celebration of our 2019-2020 Grade 8 graduated class. Although they have already begun their Grade 9 year, let's join in the Secondary School auditorium to celebrate their last year's academic succe...

Posted on 06 10 2020 Read more

School Statement / 苤迣郅邽邿郇 迡迣迡郅

School Statement During the coronavirus quarantine, we have been providing students with online education utilizing digital platforms such as Google Classroom and Zoom at both Elementary and Secondary, as well as Seesaw Learning at Elementary. The...

Posted on 05 03 2020 Read more

Due to the Coronavirus outbreak

Due to the Coronavirus outbreak, the Government of Mongolia and the Ministry of Education mandated that all public and private schools close from January 27th to March 30th, 2020. Since all schools cannot have a gathering of students, American Sch...

Posted on 02 03 2020 Read more

School Closed

Greetings, Parents, Due to the Governments mandate, 91做厙弝け will be closed on Monday, January 27, 2020. Please continue to check your school email for more information about the school closing and what our plan for student assignments and lessons w...

Posted on 25 01 2020 Read more